Tag Archives: Marin Sonoma

Ivory to Burgundy – Ferrari 365 California #9127

A couple of years ago I looked at the Ferrari 365 California Spyder chassis #9985 which was residing in the Blackhawk Museum, thanks once again to Geoffrey Horton today’s post features another of the 14 365 California Spyders this one the second of the 14 built, chassis #9127 which was the second one to be built in August 1966.

Ferrari 365 California Spyder, Marin Sonoma Concours d'Elegance

#9127 was originally painted Ivory with a light blue interior and sold in 1967 by US Ferrari dealer Chinetti to a Marquis de Cuevas, not the same as George de Cuevas who ran the Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas until he died in 1961.

Ferrari 365 California Spyder, Marin Sonoma Concours d'Elegance

In 1968 Chinetti bought the car back and sold it, now painted blue, to self made insurance broker Burt Borman in California where it remained for the next 37 years.

Ferrari 365 California Spyder, Marin Sonoma Concours d'Elegance

By 1975 the had been repainted it’s current burgundy and fitted with a tan interior.

Ferrari 365 California Spyder, Marin Sonoma Concours d'Elegance

During the 1990’s the Borman’s entered the car in several Councours events including Pebble Beach in 1994.

Ferrari 365 California Spyder, Marin Sonoma Concours d'Elegance

On June 28th 2005 #9127 was one of 29 Ferraris offered for sale at the much hyped Sotheby’s Auction held in the Ferrari Logistics Building at the Fiorano circuit in Maranello, Italy.

Ferrari 365 California Spyder, Marin Sonoma Concours d'Elegance

Future Force India owner Vijay Mallya purchased #9127 at Maranello, surprisingly it was one of only 9 of the 29 cars offered that actually changed hands.

Ferrari 365 California Spyder, Marin Sonoma Concours d'Elegance

The car is seen here at last years Marin Sanoma Concours d’Elegance where it was entered by Robert Park of Sausalito, CA where it won second place in the 12 Cylinder Ferrari up to 1985 class.

My thanks to Geoffrey for sharing his photographs.

Thanks for joining me on this “Ivory to Burgundy” edition of “Gettin’ a li’l psycho on tyres” I hope you will join me again tomorrow when I’ll be looking at a supercharged Buckler. Don’t forget to come back now.
