Tag Archives: Ronzel – Publipress

Those Who Love Speed – GALPOT Automobilia

A couple of months ago I had a bit of a clear out whilst reorganising my library and the time has come to dispose of a number of items which may be of interest through my lightpress account on e-bay. Thanks to everyone who has passed links on into the deeper recesses of the car loving world.

Sonauto Kneissl Porsche 911, Advertisement, Connaissance des arts

This weeks advertisements taken from the French Magazine Connaissance des arts feature a Porsche 911 and Kneissl Skis in a rare example of cross brand marketing by their French distributor Sonauto of Paris.

Sonauto Kneissl Porsche 911, Advertisement, Connaissance des arts

The first ad is undated while the second, cedited to “Creation B R C – Photo Ronzel – Publipress” is dated October 1965 on the reverse the strap lines approximately translate as “Those who love speed adopt Kneissl for the pistes and Porsche for the road”.

Thanks for joining me on this “Those who love speed edition of “Gettin’ a li’l psycho on tyres”. I hope you will join me again tomorrow for a trip to Morgan Hill just south of San Jose. Don’t forget to come back now !
