Tag Archives: Verde Pino

Which Verde Pino ? – Ferrari 250 GT/L #5097GT

I’ll let farmer Hugh James the owner of today’s featured 1963 Ferrari 250 GT/L chassis #5097GT tell you about his car at the end of today’s blog personally.

Ferrari 250GT/L, Auto Italia, Brooklands

While looking for details about the car I stumbled across an old thread at Ferrari Chat that listed over 1000 colours, many with codes that have been offered and or used on the cars from Maranello.

Ferrari 250GT/L, Auto Italia, Brooklands

The list includes several variations of the same code but it was interesting to find that there have been as many as 8 variations of the Verde Pino seen on Mr James car at Auto Italia Brooklands a couple of years ago. If you happen to know which Verde Pino #5097GT is painted please do not hesitate to chime in below.

Ferrari 250GT/L, Auto Italia, Brooklands

Here is Mr James’s story of how he acquired the car :-

Thanks for joining me on this “Which Verde Pino ?” edition of “Gettin’ a li’l psycho on tyres” I hope you will join me again tomorrow when I’ll be looking at the second model to be offered by Gilbern. Don’t forget to come back now !
